INC 2021 Rules

      International Naval Contest 2021      

The International Naval Contest (INC) takes place every year on the 2nd December weekend with changing organizers. This year the Marine Funker Club Austria (MFCA) is responsible for the International Naval Contest 2021.

Date: December 11,  2021 16:00 UTC to December 12,  2021 15:59 UTC

Band:  10m – 15m – 20m – 40m – 80m

Preferred frequencies:

CW:     3,560 – 7,025 – 14,052 – 21,052 – 28,052  +/- MHz

SSB:    3,625 – 7,060 – 14,335 – 21,225 – 28,320  +/- MHz

Operating modes:  CW – SSB – Mixed

Report information:

  1. Naval Club members: RST + CLUB + membership number (eg. “599 CA039”)
  2. Non members: RST + serial numbers (eg. “599 001”)


  1. Naval Club Members:         10 Points
  2. Non members:           1 Point


1. Each station can only be rated once per permitted band, regardless of the operating mode.   2. Each logged member of a Naval Club only counts once as a multiplier, even if was worked     on several bands.

3. Participants may only participate with ONE Naval Club membership number.

Total number of points: Sum of the QSO points times the multipliers.

Participating naval clubs:

 ARMI Associazione Radioamatori Marinai Italiani: MI
 FNARS Finnish Naval Amateur Radio Society: FN
INORC Italian Naval “Old Rhythmers” Club”: IN
 MARAC Marine Amateur Radio Club Netherlands: MA
 MF Marinefunker-Runde e.V.: MF
 MFCA Marine Funker Club Austria: CA
 NRA Núcleo de Radio Amadores da Armada Portugal: PN
 RNARS Royal Naval Amateur Radio Society: RN
 YO-MARC Romanian Marine Amateur Radio Club: YO

Participants classes:

  1. = Naval Station all band mixed mode (single op)
  2. = Naval Station all band CW (single op)
  3. = Naval Station all band SSB (single op)
  4. = All band SWL
  5. = Naval Clubstation (multi op)F = Non Naval Station

Trophies:  Engraved plaques on the first place in each class.

Certificates: A participant certificate in PDF format will be sent to all participants by e-mail.


  1. The sender of the logbook is recommended to include a calculation of the total number of    points on the MFCA cover sheet as well as a “fairplay statement” in the log.

    The MFCA cover sheet can be downloaded in DOC format from the MFCA homepage: then on INC and finally on INC-2021.

  • The chronological extract from the logbook can be submitted in paper format or     electronically as an e-mail attachment. (in the formats Cabrillo, XLS, DOC, PDF, TXT or     ADIF)
  • The MFCA log sheet is recommended for a log book extract in paper format.

    The MFCA log sheet can also be downloaded in DOC format from the MFCA homepage: then on INC and finally on INC-2021.

The log in paper format must be sent by letter to the contest manager:

Gerhard Rothfuss

Am Sattel 7

7441 Steinbach Austria

The log in electronic form must be sent by e-mail to:

[email protected]

Each log entry is confirmed by a short e-mail.

Log submission deadline:  December 31, 2021 (submission deadline-postmark)