MF – Activity Week 2022
The MF e. V. Aktivity Week takes part
from Monday Feb 07., 2022 to Friday Feb 11., 2022 daily from 12:00 UTC until 20:00 UTC
It is not a contest but an activity to support amateur radio contacts between MF stations and amateur radio stations around the world in qso form. The log must mandatory contain name, QTH and RST! QSO without this attributes will not be evaluated.
There are no classes, all stations (incl. club stations) work in one and the same class. Allowed modes are CW and SSB.
It is possible for the operator of a club station to give out his personel MF Number for an additional QSO point. In this case the operator can not submit a 2nd log additionally to the club station log. This is fairness and sportsmenship and makes equal evaluation opportunities possible.
All other MF stations which submit a MF Number maintain this number during the entire MF Activity Week.
SWL`s log only a one way QSO, not also in reverse order.
Conditions of participation:
Eligible are all amateur radio stations. Aim is to work as many MF stations as possible. Every MF station is to be worked only once irrespective of the used mode! Whoever works at least 25 MF stations (incl. club stations) will receive a very beautifully printed participation award.
The Station who works the overall number of MF stations will receive a trophy in form of a cup.
The participant who works at least 25 MF members as well as the highest number of QSOs will get a very attractive MARCONI penholder in a mahogany box (20x10x5cm). This pen was released on the 100. MARCONI anniversary 1895 – 1995. Total units only 900!
MF Activity frequencies:
CW | 3.565 | 7.025 | 14.052 | 21.052 | 28.052 |
SSB | 3.625 | 7.060 | 14.335 | 21.360 | 28.320 |
The submitted log list may be sent by snail mail, in paper form, or as email addendum (XLS, DOC, PDF, TXT, ADIF, Cabrillo legible formats).
Submit to:
Albert Homrighausen (DF8LD), Am Fliederbogen 2, D- 24980 Schafflund (Germany)
Mail to: df8ld (at)
Deadline: March 01., 2022